
The Branding of Right-Wing Activism

Health Information Work is a Part-Time Job

The Digital Street


Librarians as Social Media Curators


People Analytics — Using Signals by People to Study People

Social Media and Connective Journalism


Archived Internet Data and the Changing News Ecosystem

Reconfiguring the Audience Commodity


Social Search: Information Seeking Through Social Media


Social Capital and Social Media

Hidden Organizations


Future Worker: Infrastructural Competencies

Enterprise Social Media and the Ideology of Openness

Game Design as a Pathway for Digital Literacy

Digital Rebellion: The Birth of the Cyber Left

Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life

About Us

The Social Media and Society Cluster is a transdisciplinary group of faculty at Rutgers University’s School of Communication and Information whose research explores social media and society.