Joyce Valenza delivers four keynote presentations

Prof. Joyce Valenza gave the following keynote presentations: At NJ/PA ECET2 presented the keynote, “Gender in EdTech” on Sep. 20. At North Carolina School Library Media Association in Greensboro, NC: presented keynote: “Hacking School Libraries” and session:...

Chirag Shah presented co-authored paper at ASIS&T

Prof. Chirag Shah presented a co-authored paper with PhD candidate Dongho Choi and PhD candidate Ziad Matni at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) in St. Louis, Mo, Nov. 6­–10. Their paper was titled...

Jennifer Gibbs speaks at University of Arizona workshop

Prof. Jennifer Gibbs gave an invited talk on “Virtual Collaboration and the Future of eSociety” at the Society Research Workshop: Future Directions in Digital Life and Learning at the University of Arizona’s new School of Information on Oct. 20.