by chayko | Dec 9, 2015 | News
Prof. Marya Doerfel was an invited panelist to talk about cross-sector networks at the Collective Impact Summit, held at Northwestern University and hosted by the Network for Nonprofit and Social Impact. This summit convened two key groups of people, leaders in...
by chayko | Dec 9, 2015 | News
Prof. Mark Aakhus was awarded the National Communication Association’s (NCA) Applied Communication Division’s 2015 Distinguished Publication Award for a Special Issue of the Journal of Applied Communication Research on “Communication and Design” that...
by chayko | Dec 8, 2015 | News
Prof. Mary Chayko gave the featured address for the symposium “The Impacts of Social Informatics Research,” Nov. 7 at the ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) annual meeting in St. Louis, Mo. The address was based on the...
by chayko | Dec 8, 2015 | News
Prof. Phil Napoli delivered an invited lecture to YLE, the Finnish public broadcaster, on “Measuring Media Impact and Audience Engagement.” He also delivered two lectures at the University of Helsinki on Audience Economics and Audience Evolution.
by chayko | Dec 8, 2015 | News
Prof. Marie Radford published a paper co-authored with Gary P. Radford (SC&I PhD alum ’91) and PhD student Mark Alpert:, Radford, G. P., Radford, M. L., and Alpert, M. (2015) entitled Slavoj Žižek, Rex Libris and the Traumatic Real: Representations of the...