by chayko | Oct 12, 2015 | News
Prof. Marya Doerfel presented the paper “The Interorganizational Structure of Resilience: Lessons from Emerging Democracies, Warzones, and Rebuilding after Disaster,” on which SC&I graduate student Jack Harris was also an author, at the Moving Beyond Risks:...
by chayko | Oct 12, 2015 | News
Prof. Keith Hampton presented his work and moderated a panel on “Social Media Revolution: Why Isn’t Technology Delivering Democracy?” at the Members Weekend meeting of the Pacific Council on International Policy.
by chayko | Oct 12, 2015 | News
Prof. Khadijah White published an article in Quartz on the arrest of former professional tennis player James Blake entitled James Blake’s Arrest Wasn’t a Mistake—It’s Business as Usual for America’s Racist Police Force.
by chayko | Oct 12, 2015 | News, Uncategorized
With Ph.D. student Chathra Hendahewa, Prof. Chirag Shah published Implicit Search Feature Based Approach to Assist Users in Exploratory Search Tasks (Information Processing & Management, 51(5), pp. 643-661). The article proposes a framework for evaluating...
by chayko | Oct 12, 2015 | News
Prof. Vivek Singh has co-authored a book with Dr. Burcin Bozkaya of Sabanci University in Turkey entitled Geo-Intelligence and Visualization through Big Data Trends (IGI Global). It brings together the contributions of many scholars who explore spatio-temporal big...