With Ph.D. student Chathra Hendahewa, Prof. Chirag Shah published Implicit Search Feature Based Approach to Assist Users in Exploratory Search Tasks (Information Processing & Management, 51(5), pp. 643-661). The article proposes a framework for evaluating exploratory search using implicit features.
Prof. Shah also served as co-author on:
- Hansen, P., Shah, C., and Klas, C.-P. (Eds.) (2015). “Collaborative Information Seeking: Best Practices, New Domains, New Thoughts.” The Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) series, Berlin, Germany: Springer.
- Book chapter: Shah, C. (2015). “Collaborative Information Seeking: From ‘What?’ and ‘Why?’ to ‘How?’ and ‘So What?’” In P. Hansen, C. Shah, & C.-P. Klas (Eds.), “Collaborative Information Seeking: Best Practices, New Domains, New Thoughts.” CSCW series. Springer: Berlin, Germany.