by chayko | Oct 23, 2018 | Research
Jack Bratich Prof. Jack Bratich continues his work on social movement media with an analysis of the Nuit Debout protests in France [Up All Night, Down for the Count?
A Compositionist Approach to Nuit Debout” International Journal of...
by chayko | Jan 12, 2018 | Research
Chenjerai Kumanyikja Professor and journalist Chenjerai Kumanyika’s research on social justice and the Civil War era has resulted in the fascinating, much-heralded “Uncivil” podcast. As described on its home page:...
by chayko | Jan 12, 2018 | Research
David Greenberg Republic of Spin—a vibrant history covering more than one hundred years of politics—presidential historian and SC&I Social Media and Society Cluster faculty member David Greenberg recounts the rise of the White House spin...
by chayko | Jan 11, 2018 | Research
Mary Chayko Mary Chayko’s book Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life has been published in a second edition by SAGE Publications. The book brings together the latest research...
by chayko | Sep 11, 2017 | News
Here are just a few of the activities and accomplishments by Social Media and Society Cluster Faculty during late Spring/Summer 2017: Prof. Marya Doerfel was promoted to Full Professor Profs. Rebecca Reynolds and Matthew Weber were promoted to Associate Professor with...